
This Directory includes Faculty, Staff, Students, and Alumni selectable by category, search or alphabetical by last name. Over 110 students have graduated from the Department of Biomedical Informatics (25+ PhD, 50+ MS, 25+ Certificate). The diversity of careers available to DBMI alumnus is evident in their biographies. Many of our graduates are teaching and performing research in academic institutions, such as Vanderbilt University, Arizona State University, and New York University while others have entered private industry with companies such as Cerner Corporation and Boston Scientific; some have positions in government agencies, such as the NIH and AHRQ, while others are at major medical centers, serving in roles such as Chief Medical Information Officer. We maintain a database of the career paths of our graduates. If you are an alumnus, please contact us if you would like to submit or update information!

Pedro L. Hernández-Cott

Photo of Pedro L. Hernández-Cott


  • Currently: Assistant Professor, Deanship of Research, University of Puerto Rico School of Dentistry
  • July 2003 to August 2005: Master’s Degree in Biomedical Informatics
  • Publications (links to PubMed)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Personal statement: “After 20 years as a general dentist with an interest in computers, this was an excellent program for aiding me in making the transition into academia. This is an outstanding program for exposing healthcare professionals, academicians, and researchers in how technology is changing and will be used in healthcare for the future. Moreover, it was an opportunity for me to interact with individuals from other ethnic and professional groups. We all gained new knowledge not only in informatics but also personal experiences in cultural awareness, thus developing our own team in ‘dental informatics.’