Graduate Students

Joy Roy

Publications: Google Scholar
Photo of Joy Roy

Biographical Info

Degree and Year Started: PhD 2024

Research Mentor: Dr. Rafael Ceschin

Academic Mentor: Cr. Vanathi Gopalakrishnan

BS Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, University of Maryland Baltimore County
BA Mathematics, University of Maryland Baltimore County

Research Interests: I do MRI research trying to make use of imaging data to try and predict things like patient neurodevelopmental or behavioral outcomes. I’m also dipping my feet into network science and machine learning.

Career Objectives: Joy is interested in both industry and academia. He likes to program and teach. He will go where he thinks he can contribute the most!

Hobbies: Traveling, Hiking, Binge watching cartoons

What I like about Pittsburgh: I like a lot of the restaurants and Giant Eagle’s Mac and Cheese.

Categories: Alumni